Wednesday, December 19, 2007



i have read your feedback and here are the results ...

1. more speaking. no problem. but i can't listen to everyone at the same time. and just because i am not listening to you does not give you an excuse to start rabbiting away in portuguese !

2. doing class presentations. i quite like this idea. we could get 3 or 4 on the go in the classroom at one time - 10 mins each - and then you move on to the next presentation - and this way i could listen to everyone. i like this idea. I will show you what i mean in week 1 , when i will do a presentation on chess - one of my hobbies - maybe a bit boring to some, but just to show you what i mean. So please sign up for a topic. If you are interested in Photography for example do that - but do a presentation on something you are interested in... to choose a topic post a comment

3.more writing in class with a time limit. okay

4. more writing for homework. okay

5. using the vocabulary we have learnt. okay we will do this in week one of term 2

6. more exam stuff. in January - and only in January - we could do a different paper from the exam each week just to show you the standard and do some exam technique work - then in february back to normal

7. how about watching a dvd for the last 30 mins of each class ? this presents language in a context which aids understanding - and there are some really good expressions in films. i think this would be more useful than silly games

please let me know what you think

Friday, December 14, 2007



i will be here tomorrow if you want to come - usual time...


Thursday, December 6, 2007


You have been asked by the womens institute, a very powerful women's organisation in the UK, to write a report on the position of women in the Portuguese workforce which can then be presented at their annual conference. Write a report (300 - 350 words) on the current situation highlighting good points and bad points.