Wednesday, December 19, 2007



i have read your feedback and here are the results ...

1. more speaking. no problem. but i can't listen to everyone at the same time. and just because i am not listening to you does not give you an excuse to start rabbiting away in portuguese !

2. doing class presentations. i quite like this idea. we could get 3 or 4 on the go in the classroom at one time - 10 mins each - and then you move on to the next presentation - and this way i could listen to everyone. i like this idea. I will show you what i mean in week 1 , when i will do a presentation on chess - one of my hobbies - maybe a bit boring to some, but just to show you what i mean. So please sign up for a topic. If you are interested in Photography for example do that - but do a presentation on something you are interested in... to choose a topic post a comment

3.more writing in class with a time limit. okay

4. more writing for homework. okay

5. using the vocabulary we have learnt. okay we will do this in week one of term 2

6. more exam stuff. in January - and only in January - we could do a different paper from the exam each week just to show you the standard and do some exam technique work - then in february back to normal

7. how about watching a dvd for the last 30 mins of each class ? this presents language in a context which aids understanding - and there are some really good expressions in films. i think this would be more useful than silly games

please let me know what you think


Carmen Aleixo said...

Hi Graham!!!

As you already know I will miss classes in January because I'm heading to Germany. That's why I would like to ask you a big favour. Instead of making the preparation for the exam in January, could you please do it in February? I don't want to miss the oportunity of making exercises and hearing your advice.
Thank you!

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas with the family and I wish you all a happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Graham!

From all the feedback you've received I totally agree with most of them, except for number 3.
I reckon writing is a very good thing, but not in class where we're going to waist a lot of time doing it; I really believe that it would be better if you sent it for homework.
As for number 2, the presentations idea, the best of it is that we're going to be able to speak for a period of time, during which you'll be listening and taking notes; nevertheless talking for 10 minutes each, can be quite dull and difficult...
Anyway, that's only my point of view!
That's all.
See you Saturday!